New Feature Announcement! Envelope Contributions

January 18th 2012

If you require an envelope contribution feature for simple, accurate, confidential recording of weekly offerings then Church Office Online has just met your need.

Our Envelope Contribution Feature maintains confidentiality because it does not require the name of the individual or household to appear on the envelope that is placed in the offering.


Envelope Contribution Benefits

  • Simplifies record keeping
  • Maintains Confidentiality


How simple is it?

First, with your Administrative, Pastoral, or Financial user login enter the number in the “Envelope Number” field located in the individual’s record in the overview tab then select “Save”.

Second, go to Contributions and select the “Add Envelope” contributions where you will enter the date, envelope number, category and amount of contribution. The program automatically assigns the contribution to the individual.


Envelope Contributions Video Tutorial

There is a very short video tutorial which will also show you how to export a file to permanently assign those numbers to Individuals or Households and use it to help you get started.



Church Office Online