Is Online Giving For Your Church?

June 25th 2012

Churches that have an online giving program are reporting increased numbers of their members using online giving as well as improvement in consistency of giving through the year. While the average church shows 25-29% of their membership using online donations, there is every indication that the percentage will continue to rise. Of the 25-29% members, most are below the age of 40 with a majority ranging from age 25 to 35. So, given these findings is online giving for your church?

Prominent concerns regarding online giving

Churches that hesitate to offer online giving cite the following concerns:

  1. Percentage of those who would use it is very small
  2. Potential problem with adding to a member’s credit card debt
  3. Possible credit card identity theft from card processors
  4. Providing auto deduction or push processing could lessen one’s giving from the heart
  5. Technical difficulty in setting-up and maintaining an online giving program

Are the concerns above valid?

Very Little Use

While it may seem very few would use online giving, according to the 2010 Federal Reserve Payment Study the trend is showing double digit growth. More and more people want to have the option of paying online using a debit card or charge card. Young people prefer to make payments/donations online citing: convenience, rewards and reporting.

Credit Card Debt

It has not been reported yet that credit cards have become an issue with those that give. Churches should take a proactive stance by informing members that they should not be irresponsible when using their debit or credit card. Churches are also encouraged to conduct biblical finance management classes.

Credit/Debit Card Identity Theft

While identity theft continues to be on the rise the main culprit is more likely to be family member or co-worker than the card processing company. Most are due to the mishandling of user name & passwords stumbled upon by the thief than being a planned target.

Auto Deduction

This is an option that the giver can select. I don’t believe that we can find much in scripture that would be against it. One can say that giving should be from the heart but who’s to say that the person who chooses to auto deduct did not decide upon it with heart and soul in mind.

Technical Difficulty

No longer do you need degrees in computer science and accounting to make your way through online giving apps. Most (like provide easy steps to make a donation and manage those donations. Most online services provide video tutorials, knowledge base question/answer helps along with phone support to get you started. There are even smart phone mobile apps you can use.

So… if Online Giving is for your church, how do you get started?

It’s important that you have a process to go through. Make sure your church leaders are involved in framing this process. When drawing up the process consider the following:

Preparation: Gather information about online giving and the services available. Compile features needed by your church with what the service provides. Make use of program demos.

Provision: When looking for service providers keep in mind compatibility with not only systems but browsers. Also note that older companies may not provide the best in current technologies. Avoid companies with contracts and large start up fees (known as loyalty fees). Always ask about the security and backup of your data. Make sure the tech support is in house rather than out sourced. Know what you can afford without depleting your ministry budget. Make sure the online giving service gives you a complete breakdown of what the program will cost.

Presentation: Online giving should be presented well to your members. Use mass email announcements, bulletin inserts, brochures (which some online giving services will provide), announcements, and a foyer manned information table. At least once every year revisit making this presentation to your church.

So… what are you waiting for?

If you have more questions and concerns please feel free to contact me:
Mike Smith, COO



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