Check-In Attendance Setup

January 6th 2014

Recording Attendance During Check-in

Our child and general check-in application makes it incredibly fast, easy and secure to check-in children to Sunday school and check-in individuals to events and meetings. You can also automatically record attendance for any child or individual that is checked in. The following instructions will guide you through how to setup automatic attendance tracking while using the check-in application.


Automatic Check-in Attendance Setup

  1. Log into Church Membership Online, our church management software application.
  2. Add Ministries / Groups by going to the Church menu and then selecting “Add Ministry or Group”. Assign ministry members to each ministry/group as you are adding them.
  3. After Ministries have been created, you will need to add a Calendar item for each event/meeting. Go the Calendar menu and select the “Event Calendar” or the “Meeting Calendar.” Add an event or meeting to the calendar for the times and dates each ministry meets.
  4. Once the Ministries gatherings have been added to the Calendar, attendance will be automatically recorded for each child or individual checked in to a ministry on a date that matches a calendar item.

For Attendance reports for services, events or ministries just go to the Reports menu in Church Membership Online and select the attendance report you need.

If you need more help…

Log into your Church Membership Online account and click on the orange “Feedback and Support” button on the right side of your screen. This will allow you to create a support request and our support team will help you out with whatever you need.

You may also want to check out…

Check-In Overview Video Tutorial



Church Office Online